Why I Don’t Care Bill Gates Is Getting Divorced

How Bill Gates is at the heart of the ‘Vaccine Wars’

Adam De Salle
11 min readMay 4, 2021
Bill Gates

Wow, just typing that title nearly made my Windows laptop crash. Yes, Bill and Melinda Gates, the billionaire couple and benefactors of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are filing for divorce after 27 years of marriage, with Bill tweeting:

After a great deal of thought and a lot of work on our relationship we have made the decision to end our marriage. Over the last 27 years, we have raised three incredible children and built a foundation that works all over the world to enable all people to lead healthy, productive lives. We continue to share a belief in that mission and will continue our work together at the foundation, but we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple in this next phase of our lives.

The irony of a tech giant asking for privacy while tweeting about his divorce shouldn’t be lost on any of us. But don’t worry, I’m not going to write about Bill’s private life, or his family, because frankly I don’t care. A lot of of people have said we can’t criticise Bill because of how much philanthropy he and his (soon to be ex) wife Melinda take part in. Indeed over the last 25 years, the two have given over $50 billion to charitable causes. Bill has pledged to donate the majority of his $100 billion Estate (we’ll see how much of that Estate is kept after his oncoming divorce), and upon his death, his 3 children will each receive a $10 million inheritance. That is one 33rd of 1% of his total net worth. However, to quote Sociologist Linsey McGoey in her work ‘No Such Thing As A Free Gift’, “The fact that the Gateses often fund initiatives…



Adam De Salle

I am a young writer interested in providing the intellectual tools to those in the political trenches so that they may fight their battles well-informed.